Duration 3:56

Not Liking One's Looks

1 394 988 watched
34.9 K
Published 4 Nov 2015

Many of us inhabit bodies and faces that don’t look as we feel they should. It’s one of the most painful aspects of being human. Here are a few minutes of consolation and wisdom. If you like our films, take a look at our shop (we ship worldwide): https://goo.gl/6O8hWZ If you are feeling suicidal there is help out there, the samaritans offer free confidential help: http://bit.ly/2dXF4t1 FURTHER READING “Frustration with one’s appearance is an embarrassing – but, in truth, highly serious and valid – pain. Mature, reasonable people are not supposed to go around regretting their nose or hair. Yet you gaze in the bathroom mirror and think: why – in my brief existence on this planet – does that have to be me?...” You can read more on this and many other topics on our blog TheBookofLife.org: https://goo.gl/h1LD7Q MORE SCHOOL OF LIFE Our website has classes, articles and products to help you think and grow: https://goo.gl/pYzCLS More films on SELF in our playlist below: http://bit.ly/TSOLself Do you speak a different language to English? Did you know you can submit Subtitles on all of our videos on YouTube? For instructions how to do this click here: https://goo.gl/Dj88KI SOCIAL MEDIA Feel free to follow us at the links below: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theschooloflifelondon/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheSchoolOfLife Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theschooloflifelondon/ CREDITS Produced in collaboration with: Luiz Stockler https://vimeo.com/luizstockler #TheSchoolOfLife


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Comments - 2304
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    @harunsuaidi73499 years ago My mirror said i' m good looking, but my camera doesn' t agree. 5462
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    @lisazoria27098 years ago I know it sounds cheesy, but i find that once you fall in love with someone' s personality, you start to see the beauty in their appearance as well. . ...Expand 7045
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    @tammastrongbear8 years ago I grew up with two good extremely good looking parents and i have 2 good looking brothers and 1 beautiful sister. I on the other hand was just the " smart . ...Expand 3449
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    @vizuz9 years ago I' m not ugly.
    i' mpleasing.
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    @Meemaw18868 years ago Am i the only one who avoids looking in the mirror when taking off their clothes in the shower because they' re ashamed of how they look naked? 1531
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    @MrsCambers8 years ago I don' t think i' ll ever feel good about how i look. But i am slowly learning to not care. 1961
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    @lucipavone26338 years ago Dont worry, your crush' s pet horse finds you pretty. 640
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    @vanessam34448 years ago Sometimes i will actually brush my teeth in the dark because i hate looking at myself in the mirror. 248
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    @adrianwong54179 years ago I have fraternal twin nieces in their late teens. One could be a model and the other is quite plain. Truly a genetic lottery. It' s quite sad for me . ...Expand 1155
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    @TomHasVideo9 years ago Or you could just change your avatar to an anime picture. 1578
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    @soggywet33214 years ago Telling an ugly person to love themselves is like telling someone with asthma to just breath. 372
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    @jeromeedullantes22788 years ago " it' s a lottery and you haven' t won. " 497
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    @awesomebawss9187 years ago I feel ugly but on the very rare occasion that a girl calls me cute, i can' t tell if they' re joking or not so i therefore still feel ugly. All . ...Expand 1138
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    @herrschultz74138 years ago I wonder how i look from someone' s perspective. When i look in the mirror, i look great, and i feel confident, but when i flip the mirror so i' m looking at myself as another person would, i look; 446
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    @MaartenvanRossemLezingen9 years ago School of depression and the meaningless of life. 816
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    @dailylifeofharley70154 years ago Im crying so hard right now because a lot of people said im ugly. I hate to be ugly. Its really hard to love myself. 61
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    @PaperFolder_8 years ago When i see myself in the mirror i don' t think i look that bad. But as soon as i see a photo of myself i just look awful. So who' s being truthful, the camera or the mirror? 499
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    @_Carnyx8 years ago You know this reminded me of a lovely story. It' s called the ugly barnacle. 499
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    @Shangori9 years ago 1. Absolutely true. How you look, in large part, is dependent on your genes. But i don' t doubt for a moment that beautiful people don' t actively of course, this goes only for those who are interested in doing something about their appearance. Personally, i don' t give enough about my appearance (which isn' t particularly pretty) to do something about it. But then i also don' t expect people to think i' m prettier then i actually am.
    2. I have no clue what you mean by that. If you try to go with the idea that beauty is just the surface of who the person actually is, then i agree. But it is stated in such an odd way. It seems to be: #39; go with someone who appreciates your beauty more' my response would be: why? Isn' t that just as shallow as only accepting someone on their appearance? The ugly guy shown in the video might be a dick, while the pretty one isn' t. Still better to give your boon to the ugly one?
    3. Sure, you try to subconsciously go for those who are similar to your parents. Or not of course. It isn' t a rule set in stone.
    it' s also subconscious, as stated. You don' t actively seek out these things, you just ' are' attracted to these features. How could you ' rely on ugly parents'
    i can imagine someone asking around for pictures of the parents of potential dates. Awkward.
    4. So. Fat/ugly shaming is bad, because it isn' t a democratic process and ugly people might see the beauty more in yourself. Unless it' s the rich or the powerful. Then, of course, you should pull yourself up by their misfortune of being the way they are.
    5. Also, not a rule set in stone. Plenty that were ugly and stayed ugly their entire life. Sure, people change over time and might change to something you think is uglier or nicer. So what? How does this make someone better ' now' being an atheist, i' ll just say this: i could hope for a heaven as much as i want, but without evidence to show that it exists, why should i expect there to be one? This is pretty much the same. Sitting on my ass expecting to be pretty eventually doesn' t change reality.
    i don' t see how this helps anyone.
    6. Stating before that we subconsciously look at certain aspects of someones appearance and ending up liking what we see, shows that won' t work. You can appreciate certain parts of someones appearance more, you might end up liking these aspects more over time. But the genuine liking part is still subconscious. You cannot force yourself to enjoy something you don' t enjoy
    look, i get it. There are a lot of people who have a lot of problems with how they look. Here' s the thing tho, you can only do two things: change as much as possible, but it' ll be hard and costs money. But you might not like the end result or simply will never be happy. So, the other one is simply accept it.
    i accept that i look the way i do. I know i' m not mister perfect and quite frankly, i don' t give a shit. The things i do want to change, which i know i can change and have the means to, i will change. Other than that, i rather go with charm. Because that' s one thing you haven' t touched upon, which i believe is massively more important than any of these points. Ugly or not, you can be charming. The way you interact with someone is massively more important then the way you look, when it comes to attracting someone.
    someones appearance is just something that initially triggers the most basic of our instincts. The way we look indicate how successful ' our' offspring will be, but it isn' t the only thing that indicates this. Someone safe, someone you can trust and rely on, someone that will stand by you through everything and has the means to stand in life on his or her own attracts people as well.
    yeah, i know it' s hard. It means becoming confident, despite everything. But you know, that' s what life is. It' s a struggle. A hard one. Thankfully you' re not alone out there. The world is full of people that are more than willing to help you out becoming the best that you can be
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    @cutiepie3162898 years ago For a large portion of my life, i hated how i looked. I hated seeing pictures of me. I would tell my friends and family not to post a picture of me, and a few years passed, i gained someand i hadn' t looked at old pictures of myself in awhile. I got on facebook and started looking at those old images i hated so much: i didn' t hate them anymore. In fact, i noticed i looked pretty cute. Not in all of them of course. But those pictures my friends and family saidhow you always look" i finally understood. My friends liked those pictures because they saw me, but i didn' t like meat the time. Now that i do like me, i find so much beauty in them!
    my point is, confidence in yourself goes a long way with how you see yourself:
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    @jamesbuckley17227 years ago Is it just me or the more time you spend with an unattractive person, the less unattractive they seem. Like maybe you start to get used to it? Or maybe their personality gains more of your attention? 692
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    @Ancor39 years ago I think it' s important to stress that everyone has insecurities about his/her appearance. We' re social animals so we live our lifes comparing ourselves even i, the mighty afro samurai, have my insecurities. ...Expand 528
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    @beepot27646 years ago I have always hated my appearance. I feel so lucky that i found my wife so early on in life and she loves me for who i am and how i look. I' ll never understand why but toni, i' m grateful. 86
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    @CeruleanPandas8 years ago My new goal in life is to have a candid nose. The lies my nose tells end now! 226
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    @SpaceCattttt6 years ago I started really hating my appearance around the age of 14. Up until then, it was mainly others who kept commenting
    on how lacking i was in the but once i realized they were right, i quickly developed toxic shame, avoidant personality disorder, anorexia and
    chronic, lifelong depression. And now, at age 41, i never leave the house because i can' t stand being around other
    people who constantly judge me for the way i was born.
    i haven' t had a job in nearly 20 years, never had a relationship or been intimate with anyone, and i spend my days hiding
    away from the world i don' t belong in. I go outside perhaps once every 6 months if there' s some obligation i simply
    cannot escape and must attend to, but if nothing requires me being there, i stay alone indefinitely.
    i have no problem appreciating the beauty in others, no matter what they look like.
    but fat lot of good that' s doing
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    @heic19717 years ago 10 will look for 10s, 5 will look for 10s and 1s- will look for 10s. 139
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    @gwwayner8 years ago I remember a seinfeld episode where elaine asked jerry what proportion of people are truly good looking and attracted to each other. Jerry replied ' around . ...Expand 480
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    @tanaka55646 years ago Whoever says " i' m ugly and i' m proud"
    you' re lying.
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    @palespectre8 years ago I keep hoping someone somewhere will do the same for me, but i think at this point i shall accept that it will never happen. I know it' s not personal . ...Expand 43
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    @Spindelvaev9 years ago I feel like most of this video focused too much on feeling better by mentally putting others down or other kinds of unhealthy comparison. " they won' t . ...Expand 48
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    @JRibs9 years ago Beauty mostly lies in symmetry, and is much more objective than we like to believe. It' s not simply a social construct. 891
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    @shashanklaur5078 years ago Yes but how can i date scarlett johansson? 665
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    @cherie989810 months ago I avoid getting my pic taken at all costs. And the times when people have snuck a pic of me without my knowing and then show it to me is the worst. I get . ...Expand 6
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    @Katie-ib8jr2 years ago Everytime i look in the mirror or see a picture of myself, i cry. 3
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    @mamoruchiba866 years ago I have this weird habit of look at people' s faces on public bus. Eventho most would say their looks are below average, i can always find the beauty . ...Expand 35
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    @ewanjenkins9 years ago This is poorly handled. Not liking ones looks isn' t necessarily to do with ugliness and very often it doesn' t end at the physical. It' s about . ...Expand 52
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    @Paul-cy9ej8 years ago This video needs a follow-up! How to care less what people think of you. 109
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    @creativeartzz_27083 years ago In my eyes, im ugly and it also doesnt help that im not smart either. Kinda difficult to feel confident when you dont have much going for you. 11
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    @bundlewade5 years ago " it' s the ugle that best appreciate beauty. " i resonnated with this so much this sentences almost brought tears to my eyes. 8
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    @BelizeHunni9 years ago Accepting your visuals and the vibe is gives off and working along with it instead of trying to change it to fit a certain way is so uplifting. That is when you start to enjoy what your(outer) self and have fun with it. 4
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    @euengelion9 years ago I' m going to start with the school of life: you folks have the prettiest of heads for churning out these warm messages. Thank you for being so previously beautiful!
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    @rehnafayaz49847 years ago I am afraid looks are how you ' re treated in the world. 28
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    @MikiMaki769 years ago Life is a lottery, it' s 99% luck, and the final prize in any case, is death. 31
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    @catvalentine43178 years ago Please more of this topic! It' s a really common issue in today' s society. 13
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    @mothman849 years ago I just love these consolation videos of alain de botton' s! The language is always extremely light and elegant, and it never fails in delivering id="hidden22" the most peculiar blend of delicateness, hopefulness, and cynical humor. ...Expand 1
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    @akshayrathore28829 years ago Tsl have given some weird videos in past. This was weirdest. 74
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    @miguel988st8 years ago These videos are the best. I was unhappy with my looks but i feel better. Thanks guys keep making videos.
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    @algorithmicmusic8048 years ago Appearance is one thing, the character another. 15
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    @greatrash9 years ago I am quite ugly. That is why i have a cat profile picture. Lol. 29
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    @snailart92148 years ago I love these videos. Honestly, the humor is great. This one hits a little hard/close to home because we all deal with insecurities. I love it though, because . ...Expand 2
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    @RenessanceFilms9 years ago This hits incredibly close to home. Lovely video as always.
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    @lishalana71707 years ago In high school, there was this girl who complimented all my friends but told me that i was so ugly and i' ll be forever alone. Then she said she was . ...Expand 28
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    @cryingchurch9 years ago Your channel is my favourite. Thanks for what you' re doing!
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    @ahuraisis13592 years ago The comments really made me feel that i' m not alone. 7
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    @justcommentnovideos59449 years ago This might be the only channel to post actually useful content. 52
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    @bdlybaoopa77862 years ago Wow that was just so incredibly kind thank you.
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    @stellajacobs13308 years ago Honestly i think i' m the only one but personality has so much to do with appearance and how you present yourself. Like my sister is always like ' omg . ...Expand 120
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    @wells6868 years ago I' ve always been able to find the beauty in faces i always wondered if i was just weird? Guess not: 50
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    @Neekachu114 years ago Ever since being a young child, i' ve always known that i wasn' tin the looks department! But i never remember caring it either my thought process was something along the lines of: " hm, i' m kinda ugly. Oh well" the only time i started to care was when other people pointed it out to me later in my childhood (and constantly ever since hahaha, aren' t people so great? Just makes me think about how much of mywith my appearance might stem from a fear of what other people think rather than me genuinely caring about it. ...Expand 7
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    @samuelmodig28169 years ago Realistic, honest -gt; gently pushing the viewer' s state of mind towards acceptance, rather than feeding ultimately hurtfull expectations. Becuse by the way, maybe you should do a video on the theme of. ...Expand
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    @xxlollollollolxx17 years ago This is actually a really heart warming video < 3 starting from now on i will try to appreciate the little details of myself and other people. I believe . ...Expand 1
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    @JOEYDEEZ369last year Inner beauty is far more important definitely but for me i see the beauty in everything and everybody as its in there somewhere if one looks hard enough! 1
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    @cyanthestickman99335 years ago Mirror on the wall
    it does not matter if im short or tall
    if i have skinny legs or if my hips are wide
    it only matters who i a blue eyes black eyes brown or green
    what makes me beautiful cannot be seen
    when you see me dont judge my parts
    the best thing about me is my heart
    one day you will look back and see
    i am just perfect just being me
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    @JonnyRocketfingers79 years ago Awesome animation! You handled this topic in a very sweet way. 1
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    @AwesomeAndrew7 years ago I remember when i was about 20years old, sitting at a cafe and thinking about people and observing them it occurred to me these exact words " if you in the context of this video i think that thought is quite relevant.
    people are swayed by the visual, and our eyes can lie to us, and make us make illogical decisions based on what they perceive as beautiful merely by sight
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    @kavitagurung86276 years ago This video made me cry but sweetly. I felt like home here in this video coz m dealing with low self esteem and not being able to perform even i am capable of. 3
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    @stakagi59455 years ago Being able to suffer from ones looks is so blessed. My country has disease, natural catastrophes, air pollution. We do not even have physiological need. H . ...Expand 1
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    @eloujtimereaver45048 years ago I completely agree with this video, i also believe that if you can bring your looks more in line with how you want them though, you absolutely should. with some people all that requires is an incredible makeover, with others more drastic measures are needed, sometimes all that is needed is time.
    when i was a child i was not at all satisfied with my face it looked incorrect and bad, but once i got halfway through my teen years my face had matured it looked more correct. I did like how other people my age looked though
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    @shockArama7 years ago Ive had random strangers tell me
    im pretty, but when it comes to people my age i dont get any compliments what so ever.
    so. Am i pretty or are these older people just saying this so i dont feel bad because im really ugly?
    i may just be over thinking but its always been a thought ive had
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    @ZogJhones7 years ago People tell me i' m handsome but i always found my looks disgusting. While others insist that i' m not ugly, it feels like they' re mocking me. it rustles my jimmies. ...Expand 50
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    @oblivious93massacre8 years ago The story of how i fell in love with my husband is odd and kind of goes with this video.
    i was in 11th grade when i met him. My first thought id="hidden37" when i saw him was, " i want to be friends with him, " because he was the only person in my new school that wore skinny jeans (lol) if i' m being honest, i didn' t really see him as boyfriend material. Not because of his looks, but because i' d given up on romantic relationships. So i didn' t classify him asorhe just was.
    i got used to talking to him most days, even if we only said hello. But, suddenly, in 12th grade, everything changed. I passed him in the school hallway and said hi as i did. He didn' t respond. He just looked ahead and kept walking. My heart broke. I literally had a pain in my chest because i thought he was ignoring me. That was the moment i realized he was so much more than a friend to me.
    long story short, he wasn' t ignoring me, he just didn' t hear me. And he' d had a huge crush on me since he met me. That very day, i changed seats to sit right next to him in class and. Well, made my feelings known. We' ve been together for going on 6 years now and i' m even more in love with him than ever. And his looks honestly had nothing to do with my attraction to him. It was his personality, his character, else that i can' t quite put my finger on. Some voice or intuition told me that he was the one and it was right. If he hadheard me that day. I shudder to think of what i may have missed out on.
    so, like the video says, don' t worry so much about looks. everyonehas features they would like to change, but you never know if your soulmate loves that feature (for example, my husband has a rather large nose - everyone teases him about it - but i love it. It makes him. Well, him)
    . ...Expand 35
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    @sakshiag05062 years ago I love this channel very much, thank you! 1
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    @Norebrahim9 years ago I love this channel so much i want to cry.
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    @aleksismil8 years ago I just can' t get enough of school of life. 2
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    @charisegonzales-martinez22518 years ago Very good artists for creating all your videos. It is like i am watching a picturebook. Keep it up. Thank you.
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    @7stf8888 years ago Cool video.
    there are factors that i didnt think about that could influence the way other people think about my appearance.
    motivates to try to change it.
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    @luken1362 years ago I feel like viewing your body the way a doctor views it to be really helpful, when you are in front of a mirror think of all the functions your body executes . ...Expand 19
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    @gingerrivas5354last year Nice vid, its like a sweet mother explaining facts to her kids. I think we are beautiful as far as we fine ourselves beautiful.
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    @derpyhooves73498 years ago Im glad u used the word ugly instead of trying to soundwith the " those with severe appearance deficits" bullshit. 13
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    @bugsnwormiez6 years ago Thank you, this video made me feel a whole lot better:
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    @ares1069 years ago This video made me depressed,
    its a whole string of " the grapes are sour" arguments.
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    @goobrocket84 years ago Its like i think about my appearance 24/7. Whenever i see somebody' s face i instantly compare myslef to them and most of the time i feel worse and . ...Expand 5
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    @Sparkleanium7 years ago A candid nose did it for me > w< i loved this video. Thanks for the, much needed pep talk.
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    @kat-gf4wb7 years ago I don' t know if it' s just me, but when i' m looking at someone (like, reallylooking) i always notice something about them i find beautiful . ...Expand 2
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    @Ceallai8 years ago Am i the only one who feels beauty differently to how i see it? For instance, i' m not visually attracted to my partner' s chubby belly, but i love . ...Expand 36
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    @EADaang8 years ago This channel is doing us an invaluable service, think you not. 3
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    @SonaliMankaSingh9 years ago I' ve been called ugly (and every other word) since i can remember. It blows my mind that one essentially meaningless word could shake my self confidence for years.
    i have a better sense of self now:
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    @robertcollins53076 years ago I am beginning to except being ugly after 39 years. 5
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    @sooooooooDark9 years ago Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
    also: things u do on ur daily basis in some way change ur outer (and of course maybe more importantly: ur that means if u r one of those persons that always is angry and unfriendly ur outer self will (most likely) look like u r that kind of person . And ull attract ppl like that. Ashes to ashes etc
    so u can at least somewhat change what u " look like"
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    @quitedankly33427 years ago I used to think i was beautiful at some point but now i look at my self and just cry. 1